The Mission

Being an animal lover my whole life, my hope is to do my part in raising awareness on the issue of animal homelessness and to give back to my community.....

"Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character; and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man." ~ Arthur Schopenhauer

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Book Update and more......

Hello everyone,  my apologies for the lack of updates and posts but I was in the midst of a transition.  It is bitter sweet but do believe it is for the best.  I have placed my main employment, which I was self employed, on inactive status and have taken a new position.  Several reason had gone into my decision and one being I am hoping to have more free time available to focus on Caring Hearts Loving Paws mission. So finalizing all that needed to be and getting geared up for my new employment has kept me a bit busier than normal.

My book is now available as an interactive application on Windows 8.  With children being able to interact with the book should lead to some extra fun!  Here is the link to this application;

As I had once mentioned that I am working towards a goal of having my blog updated and more interactive.  Yes that will still be coming and one baby step in the process is I now have my email active for Caring Hearts Loving Paws which is  My logo is just about complete.  Actually is was ready some time ago but I just wanted to think about it for a bit to make certain that changes were not needed or needed.  As we know, once one commits, there is no turning back.

A BIG thank you to Frank, my friend who feeds the cats at the old Kings Park Psychiatric Hospital, as he has donated food for my kitties I care for!  He has done so several times over a long period of time and I am very grateful.

Lastly I have another 'Meet the Author' event at another Raymour and Flanigan store on November 9th, 2014.  I will post details within the following week.

Thank you for following and supporting Caring Hearts Loving Paws ^..^

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Adorable video of a mother cat, her kittens and ducklings, yes ducklings

This is such a sweet story that will leave all animal lovers with a big smile on their face!! I would tend to believe that even the non animal lovers or those that do not prefer cats will get a warm and fuzzy feeling from this video.
Hope you enjoy!!

Thank you for stopping by and following Caring Hearts Loving Paws ^..^