Hello to all my loyal followers and visitors,
It has been way too long without a post and again my apologies! My new employment, since closing my company, has kept me quite busy. Good in one aspect not so good for being able to stay on top of my blog and hoping to have Caring Hearts Loving Paws grow. All good though as I believe I have figured out a way to balance both worlds : )
There has been a lot going on here at Caring Hearts Loving Paws. First of all we lost another adopted kitty :( I wanted to post immediately but put off while I tried to find a picture which I finally did. We lost Sylvester March 29, 2015. As you know we lost Ely last September 2014,
Rest in Peace Ely 9.15.14. After the loss of Sylvester too we did some research and learned that cats can have heart issues that go unnoticed and cause a type of heart attack like we suffer. However their attack is fatal unfortunately. This can happen to a young kitten or at any age. It is the only answer I can come up which is so disheartening. Here is a picture of Sylvester in January 2011 peaking in from the front window ledge right after a bad snow storm as the adopted cats did not have many areas to roam. I still need to try to locate a picture of Ely and promise to keep looking.
Sylvester January 2011 |
Sylvester was just as his name; adorable and yet always seemed to be mixing it up with his siblings :) That was my Sylvester!
For those who are new to Caring Hearts Loving Paws, the kittie cats I call my adopted kitties are the cats from the neighborhood that I TNR'd (trap-neuter-return) and have been living in my large 2 and half car garage or as I call it my kittie condo : ) It worked out for the best for my adopted kitties, especially with the horrible winters we have been having, when only two of my neighbors had issues with where the cats were being housed and feed. They have lived in their 'kittie condo' for over 6 to 7 seven years. They have a cat door to come in and out of their 'home'.
Now as for Dorie, my latest rescue, she is not liking her sister SuzieQ. Doris was the last cat of the small cat colony I had TNR'd left at the Kings Park Psychiatric Center. On January 25th, 2015, the first big snow storm of this year - ugh!, I went and grabbed her finally! It took me a very long time to befriend Dorie after my last attempt in February 2014.
There will be more on Dorie, and pictures, and other updates in my future posts. As mentioned, I have found a balance and will continually post to keep Caring Hearts Loving Paws growing as well as to promote my book, The Big, Beautiful, Fluffy Gray Cat, as I hope to write another children's book.
Thank you for following and stopping by Caring Hearts Loving Paws ~ Adriana