I hope this post finds my followers well and anyone who stops on by for a visit. Here is a picture of Noah last week resting in my front flower bed....
Noah Resting 6.6.15
Noah and his remaining siblings and cousin's, as I call them, are 7 years old as of the May and this month June. Noah was from a litter of six in May 2008 and then there was a second litter born in June 2008.
Here is a picture of the adopted kitties when I come home from work. You get to see a better picture of Noah, the orange and white tabby.
Noah, Candy, Isabella, Addie and Sometimes 6.8.15 |
Noah, Candy and Isabella 6.8.15
This photo to the left you have Noah with Candy who is the calico cat, Isabella all black, Addie the white and black cat and then Sometimes or also he is know as Sometimes Henry. Sometimes seems to be older in age and must have with the original group of ferals-strays I was feeding with the cats from my other posts. Hemingway, Melky, Casey and others who after trap-neuter-return did not all stay around. Those I truly hope found other homes that feed and protected them.
In this photo to the right you have the three buddies; Noah, Candy and Isabella.
Promise to be back with more photo's, stories and other posts that might be interesting.
Thank you for following or stopping by Caring Hearts Loving Paws ~ Adriana