I know it has been some time since I have posted and hope to get back on some track to share stories and updates about my kitties and any adventures. August 21, 2018 was a sad day as our feral boy Luigi a/k/a Louie crossed over the rainbow bridge 💔😥🐾I never knew how old he was but knew he was not young. He started coming round approximately 4 to 5 years if not 6 years ago. All my other kitties never minded him around and he liked being with them but of course outside. He would not come in the house no matter how we tried. He never let me touch him until last night, 8.21.28, when he was so weak. I was able to pet him a several times. I last saw him Friday morning, 8.17.18, after a long bout of not feeling well he was around all the week of 8.12.18 as he seemed better since he was eating twice a day and his eyes even looked brighter. All of a sudden the night of 8.20.18 he was back resting, the best he could, by the back door. That warmed my heart as it was if he came to say goodbye😥and felt that this was his safe place~home. Rest In Peace my Luigi🌈💔😥💙🐾💙#catsofinstagram #catsrock #lovestrayandferalscats #strayandferalcats #loveanimals #catsrule #kindnessandcompassionforanimals #cats #kindnessandcompassionforall
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